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Shareholding Disclosure - UK

A summary of the UK’s shareholding disclosure rules

This is a summary from Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure published on 4 March 2024.

Normally only available to subscribers (and those on a free trial), these handy two-page summaries are among our most-loved product features and are provided (in PDF format) for 100+ jurisdictions. They complement our full jurisdictional reports which include access to detailed memorandum, legislation, forms and guidance.


Key considerations

Lowest initial long threshold1% (during a takeover offer).

Substantial shareholdings: Disclosure starts at 3%. Different rules apply to UK and non-UK incorporated issuers. Cash settled instruments with no ability to physically settle are caught.

Other long disclosures: In certain sensitive industries.

Short position disclosure: Starting at 0.2% of issued share capital.

Substantial shareholdings

Disclosure Thresholds


UK-incorporated issuer: 3% of total voting rights and each whole percentage (4%, 5%, etc) point after that OR non UK-incorporated issuer: 5%10%15%20%25%30%50% and 75% of total voting rights. From holding: (i) shares; (ii) financial instruments referenced to shares (entitlements to acquire and financial instruments with similar economic effect); or (iii) aggregate of (i) & (ii).

Change in nature

Disclosure required where a holder of a previously notified financial instrument acquires the underlying shares and a shares and/or financial instruments threshold is tripped but overall % held is unchanged.

Issuers in scope

UK or non-UK incorporated issuers whose shares are admitted to trading on a UK regulated market and UK incorporated issuers whose shares are admitted to trading on a UK prescribed market (e.g. AIM).


Direct and indirect holdings of: (i) issued voting shares; (ii) financial instruments which give the right to acquire or the discretion to acquire issued voting shares; and (iii) financial instruments with similar economic effect to (i) or (ii), whether or not physically settled. 

Equity shares

Depositary receipts e.g. ADRs, GDRs

Secondary listing

Suspended shares

Convertible preference shares

Convertible debt securities

Warrants referenced to unissued shares

Covered warrants 


Subscription rights (nil paid and open offer)

Single stock future (physically settled)

Writer/seller of put option (physically settled)

Buyer of call option (physically settled)

Cash settled (e.g. CfDs/single name equity swaps)

Equity index/share basket instruments (cash settled)

ETFs (exempt shares)

Stock loan

Stock borrow

Key exemptions

Trading book Exclude holdings not exceeding 5% in trading book of a credit institution or investment firm.

Custodian Exclude if custodian can only exercise voting rights under specific written/electronic instructions.

Market maker Exclude if holding <10%.

Investment/fund manager Certain managers can disclose holdings in UK issuers at higher initial thresholds of 5% and 10% (and every 1% thereafter).

Conditions apply to all exemptions – refer to Memorandum.

Key aggregation

Parent undertaking Aggregate and disclose holdings of it and its controlled undertakings. Where parent discloses on an aggregate basis, subsidiary is not required to disclose. Disaggregation exemption for parents of some management companies / investment firms.

Investment manager Aggregate and disclose managed holdings where it has voting control.

How to disclose As soon as possible and by midnight within 2 trading days (UK issuers) or 4 trading days (non-UK issuers) of knowledge of disclosable event (i.e. generally trade date for on-exchange – refer to Memorandum for detail. To FCA (online via ESS portal – pre-registration required) and issuer. Use the standard form.

Articles UK incorporated issuers may impose lower/intermediate disclosure thresholds in their constitutional documents.

Additional local disclosure Foreign companies admitted on AIM may impose obligations on holders via constitutional documents.

Short selling

Restriction: Ban on naked short selling of shares. Covered short selling is permitted in prescribed ways.

Position disclosure: Disclose net short positions (NSPs) in shares, including synthetic positions e.g. via cash-settled derivatives.

Disclosure Thresholds

0.2% and each 0.1% thereafter (0.3%, 0.4% etc) of issued share capital – private notification.

0.5% and each 0.1% thereafter of issued share capital – public disclosure.

Disclosure scope: NSPs in shares admitted to trading on a UK trading venue (regulated market or MTF), regardless of whether position is taken on a UK or non-UK venue.

Key exemptions: Shares whose principal trading venue is outside the UK (see FCA’s list). Market making activities. Stabilisation.

How to disclose: Calculate at midnight and notify by 15:30 on the following trading day. To FCA via ESS online portal (pre-registration required).

Separate restrictions apply to short selling of sovereign debt and sovereign CDS – refer to UK Short Selling Report and Memorandum.

Sensitive industries

Additional disclosures apply to equity holdings in issuers in certain industries, some of which require pre-acquisition approval. See below for starting thresholds. Only requirements based on a specified equity holding threshold are considered.

Banking & finance
Financial institutions carrying out regulated activities (e.g. banks, building societies, insurers, other – refer to Memorandum): 10% prior approval. Recognised Investment Exchanges: 20% prior approval. All apply to both foreign and domestic investors. See also FDI rules below.

Aviation, Rail, Defence, Media, Mining, Real Estate, Telecoms & UtilitiesNo relevant sector-specific investment restrictions on equity holdings of investors. See FDI rules below.

FDI 25% mandatory notification for prior approval. Applies to foreign investment in 17 sectors (refer to Memorandum for list of sectors).



Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures required during the offer period by persons interested in 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of the target or any securities exchange bidder (a 1% holder).


Opening Position Disclosure required by a 1% holder. Dealing Disclosures required for any dealing in relevant securities by a 1% holder.


UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands issuer with shares listed on a UK regulated market or MTF or on any stock exchange in the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. Other resident companies may also be in scope – refer to Memorandum. There is a publicly available list of companies to which Rule 8 disclosures apply.

Holdings in bidder

Disclosure also applies to holdings/dealings in bidder in a securities exchange offer.

How to disclose

Opening Position Disclosures no later than 15:30 on the 10th business day after the commencement of the offer period or offeror identification.

Dealing Disclosures no later than 15:30 on the business day following the date of the dealing.

Publicly to Regulatory Information Service in typed electronic format. Private disclosures apply in certain circumstances – refer to Memorandum. To Panel only electronically Specimen forms are available and should be used.

Issuer requests


UK public companies can require disclosure of the nature of interests in its shares from anyone whom the company knows, or has reasonable cause to believe to be, or to have been (within a specified period), interested in those shares. It is mandatory to respond and criminal penalties may apply.


UK issuers not subject to DTR5 or listed on certain equivalent international markets can request Ultimate Beneficial Ownership information. It is a criminal offence not to respond. In some cases, holders must pro-actively disclose.

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