Takeover Data

Takeover Data, provided by Share Disclosure Limited

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How it works

Monitoring of multiple sources to provide a list of issuers which are subject to a takeover offer. Provided by an independent third party data provider (Share Disclosure Limited) and distributed by aosphere.

  • Extensive range of sources professionally monitored by Share Disclosure Limited
  • 20+ jurisdictions
  • Web based user interface and FTP data files
  • Discounts for Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure subscribers
  • Annual fee - unlimited usage

Existing Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure subscribers are eligible for a discount to the list price of this service. Please contact us for more information via the free trial form.

How it works

Who it's for

In certain countries there are enhanced reporting obligations which apply if you hold securities or instruments referencing securities in an issuer who is subject to a takeover bid. These reporting obligations apply because you hold securities in an affected target or bidder. It doesn't matter if you are involved in the bid.

How it helps

Takeover Data contains issuer data not only for jurisdictions where there is a published takeover panel list or takeover table, but also in more difficult to monitor jurisdictions where there is a reporting obligation but no corresponding takeover list or where public data is incomplete or found across multiple sources.

Read our Q&A on the finer complexities of monitoring takeover data and why getting data from a dedicated professional data source is recommended.

Who provides the data?

The data is provided by Share Disclosure Limited (SDL) - a UK registered company who have many years of dedicated expertise in the regulatory data field. SDL also provide Articles of Association Data and data on temporary short sale bans. 

Jurisdictions covered

Jurisdictions covered

Sources monitored for takeovers include Übernahmekommission, Vienna Stock Exchange, Australian Stock Exchange, Bangladesh Dhaka Stock Exchange, Chittagong StockExchange, FSMA, Comissao de Valores Mobiliarios, Bovespa, Sedar, Cyprus Stock Exchange, CNB, AMF, Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission, Ghana Stock Exchange, Hellenic Capital Market Commission, Athens Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, HKEX, Bursa Malaysia, Qatar Stock Exchange, Irish Takeover Panel, Singapore Stock Exchange, CNMV, Bolsa de Madrid, Swiss Takeover Board, Six-Telekurs, Bourse de Tunis, United Kingdom Takeover Panel and The London Stock Exchange.


Why Takeover Data matters and how can aosphere help


In this Q&A, we interview Dean Ratcliffe, CEO of Share Disclosure Limited (SDL) about the complexities of Takeover Data and how the SDL Takeover Data module can help clients navigate these complexities.

Shareholding Disclosure - Short Position Reporting: Global View


We discuss the complexity of short position reporting in jurisdictions with low threshold-based regulatory regimes, and the practical issues to consider for firms fulfilling their reporting compliance obligations.

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