Articles of Association Data

Articles of Association Data, provided by Share Disclosure Limited

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How it works

Details of company-specific disclosure thresholds contained in the constitutional documents of Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, French and Irish issuers. Provided by an independent third party data provider (Share Disclosure Limited) and distributed by aosphere.

  • Company-specific disclosure thresholds
  • Monitored by Share Disclosure Limited
  • Locates, translates, and reviews issuer requirements
  • Covers issuers listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange and Euronext Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin and Paris 
  • Web based user interface and FTP data files
  • Discounts for Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure subscribers
  • Annual fee - unlimited usage
How it works

Who it's for

In Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland and the Netherlands, issuers are permitted by law to impose additional or lower thresholds for disclosure through their constitutional documents.

Finding and tracking these provisions in each issuer’s articles of association is timely and difficult, and failure to report at the nominated thresholds may lead to sanctions for the investor.

Articles of Association Data tracks and extracts this data to help you to identify your disclosure obligations with ease.

Who provides the data?

The data is provided by Share Disclosure Limited (SDL), a UK registered company.

The owners of SDL also provide Takeover Data which is used by many leading financial institutions, and own and operate Columba Systems which has been providing data services to various organisations for several years.

More information about the service and our relationship with SDL is available on request.


Existing Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure subscribers are eligible for a discount to the list price of this service. Please contact us for more information via the free trial form.

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