
Makes conducting your netting analysis simple

How it works

Established over 20 years ago, netalytics is a joint venture with ISDA.

  • Provides our signature colour-coded report to address 14 key netting questions, plus specific clearing opinions
  • Covers the ISDA opinions relating to the ISDA / FOA Client Cleared OTC Derivatives Addendum when used in conjunction with an ISDA Master Agreement
  • Provides suggested amendments to standard documents
  • Additional analysis of ISDA IFI opinions available
  • New: Data+ for digitalised opinion analysis
  • Annual subscription fee
How it works

The service

ISDA has commissioned netting opinions in numerous jurisdictions. Each opinion may be lengthy and have numerous associated supplements and updates, creating a vast library of often complex netting information. But what do the opinions say and where do you look to find the answers to your particular questions?

netalytics analyses ISDA's netting opinions, extracts core information across all jurisdictions and presents it in an easy-to-read, standard format.

How it helps

Using our experience of the questions our subscribers most frequently ask, netalytics uses a list of key questions to interrogate the opinions. These questions go to the heart of the opinion and identify issues around the central question: "Does netting work?".

Unquestionably the most comprehensive and reliable set of data in this crucial subject in the world.

Philip R. Wood, CBE, QC (Hon)

Special Global Counsel, Allen & Overy LLP

Product features

  • Simplify compliance

    Simplify compliance

    Our content is presented in a consistent, colour-coded format which allows you to easily grasp the issues at hand and move forward.

    • Colour-coded question and answer format
    • Compare and version control
    • Email alerting service

Jurisdictions covered

Covers 80+ jurisdictions

Jurisdictions covered

Derivatives product team

Managed by our expert team of senior lawyers.

Derivatives product team

In 2021, we embarked on a project to digitise legal opinion analysis and facilitate the integration of underlying information contained in the ISDA opinions into a subscriber’s end-to-end netting processes. netalytics subscribers currently have access to Data+, a new feature which provides granular, coded counterparty and transaction types descriptions coupled with coded documentation requirements and a single yes/no netting flag in online (machine readable) data format. Contact us for a demo.

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