
Makes conducting your netting analysis simple

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How it works

DRVanalytics provides a standard colour-coded report with answers to 18 key netting questions for each jurisdiction covered by a BdB DRV netting opinion.

  • Analysis of DRV netting opinions 
  • Answers 18 key netting questions
  • Provides suggested amendments to standard documents
  • Covers the full 25 DRV (Deutscher Rahmenvertrag) netting opinions published by the BdB
  • Annual subscription fee

We are currently reviewing market demand to expand the available DRV modules to include collateral arrangements under the BSA, netting arrangements under the DRV WPP and/or DRV WPD, or clearing arrangements under the DRV. Please let us know if these would be of interest. 

How it works

Product features

  • Simplify compliance

    Simplify compliance

    Our content is presented in a consistent, colour-coded format which allows you to easily grasp the issues at hand and move forward.

    • Colour-coded question and answer format
    • Compare and version controlĀ 
    • Email alerting service

Jurisdictions covered

Jurisdictions covered

Derivatives product team

Managed by our expert team of senior lawyers.

Derivatives product team

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