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An in-depth guide to ISDA's collateral opinions
Essential pre-trade information for OTC derivatives
Helps you assess electronic contract enforceability issues
Detailed coverage of DRV netting opinions
Examines enforceability under EFET documentation
Practical analysis of ISDA's netting opinions
Simplifies analysis of the GMRA legal opinions
High quality data supporting your OTC derivatives function
Simplifies analysis of ISLA's securities lending opinions
Helps you distribute financial products & services around the world
Helps you distribute funds & advisory services around the world
Compliance solutions for private banks & wealth managers
Guides you in structuring your lending & security activities
Practical analysis of crypto, digital & virtual asset regulation
Explains the shareholding disclosure rules in 100+ jurisdictions
Monitors takeovers, articles of association & short selling bans
Helps you comply & keep up with data privacy laws
A multi-jurisdictional guide to e-signing laws
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